Tuesday, October 30, 2018

So what happened in my game until 10/30/18

As I said in the previous post I am changing the format in of this blog to be more of a journal of what happened in some of my challenges.  My two stories "A Race Against Time" and "Romance on the Horizon" will stay the same as stories and I am actually hoping this change with the just for fun updates will give me more time to devote to my story updates.  On this blog I will be keeping track of these challenges:

  • "Ultimately Eddie" which is The Ultimate Sim Challenge with Eddie Landgraab
  • "Perfect Genie-alogy" which is The Perfect Genetics Challenge with Catalina Su
  • "The Immortal Gift" which is the Supremacy Challenge with Trevor and Carissa McIntyre
  • The Alphabetcy and Wishacy challenge with either Aiden or Ava McIntyre which is to be named later

With this change I will be keeping strictly to the rules of each challenge as written on the challenge.  I will also be updating the games that I have played which may not be the same each time.  Right now most of my game play of the above mentioned has be Eddie's file but I am searching for a better house for Catalina and I have some game play in that one also.  I also decided to try and get complete family photos from the festival lots as much as I can.

Ultimately Eddie Update Season 1-Sunset Valley

The last time I updates the twins were babies but now they have grown up.

This is why I have to keep better notes, they are twins and I don't remember which one is which on the child photos.  Usually I spend time skilling the kids in toy oven and blocks but I spent very little time with them because I was working with Eddie on his collection journals which still are not complete.

This one is Maggie, her traits are Neurotic, Brooding, Easily Impressed and Friendly

This one is Bernadette and her traits are Virtuoso, Perceptive, Heavy Sleeper and Cat Person.

According to the rules I have to play all sims that are moved or born into the family their whole life span.  I also to do their ltw's 

Now for Cheri, she will not be getting hers as her ltw is Heartbreaker.  I decided on the spouses if their ltw interferes with Eddie in any kind of way I'm not going to be doing it but I will make sure they max out their career which Cheri maxed out the education career or I will change their ltw with ltr points.

As for the girls and any future children brought into the house, I must choose a ltw from the selections on their YA birthday and work on it.  

The only ltw's that are not allowed to be done by anyone but Eddie are the World Adventure Exploring Tombs ltw.  That will be done by Eddie in the last season of this challenge.  Somehow staying away from those ltw's will not be difficult for me.

As of right now Eddie still needs to finish the business career (Level 9) and he has to max the book store part time career next  along with social networking, charisma and alchemy skill challenges to finish.  The collection hunter really set us back a bit but I'm sure he will finish before we finish in Sunset Valley.

One thing I like to do at the festival is have all my family members do the hot dog or pie eating contest especially if they are low on hunger.  This will max out their hunger bar while getting us a perfect group serving of food and some festival tickets.  I know he isn't at the table yet but Eddie did join eventually.  However something happened when the contest started.

Did you ever wonder what would happen if a sims birthday arrived right in the middle of a hot dog eating contest?  If you are like me you probably are saying no I never did however we are finding out whether we wanted to or not.  

Cheri's elder birthday happened during the contest which stops the entire thing. She stopped, the other contestants stopped and even the hot dogs disappeared off the table.

Here is Cheri as an elder.  According the the rules I can't freeze or roll back her age.  No one's age is allowed to be rolled back but Eddie's.  He is supposed to find a new wife in each season.  I know that this means all of these sims are going to die off but there will be a surprise ending.

Perfect Genie-alogy Generation 2

I'm still searching for the perfect house for them but I do think I need to go over the household.  The heir will be the first child that is a Genie, has green skin, green eyes and blue hair just like Catalina.

Catalina Su

Athletic, Family Oriented, Disciplined, Hopeless Romantic, Loves the Outdoors, Sailor and Friendly.

Her ltw of Physical Perfection is completed.

Zhan Su

Good Sense of Humor, Brave, Good, Charismatic, Athletic, 

ltw Seaside Savior

Daniel Su

Loves the Outdoors and Artistis

Genetic match 2 out of 4 Genie and Skin

Charlotte Su

Artistic and Disciplined

Genetic Match 2 out of 4 Genie and Hair.

No Perfect Genetic Heir but thanks to Risky Woohoo, Catalina is pregnant again.

Saturday, September 22, 2018

New Format for all Just for fun sims challenges

I decided to change the format of this blog.  This blog is not a story blog just a record keeping of my just for fun challenges along with some pictures for me to save along the way.  I'm going to write this like as a diary of my game play each day.  Here is the updated status of the ultimate sim challenge:

The Ultimate Sim:

As of 9/22/18 Eddie has completed the daycare career

The big kid seems to love his job.

Telling Tales Interaction is so cute and I wish he would have kept it.

Eddie's reward for completing the daycare career is the van which I call The Scooby Doo Mystery Machine

Now that the first career in Sunset Valley is over it is time to move onto the business career and have a child. 

And we better do it right away because someone had a birthday.

Love that spa!

Baby on Board!

Preparing for the birth

It's Time!

Its a girl

and another girl-Twins!  I would have to get twins in the first generation.

Bernadette Landgraab

Maggie Landgraab

*Makes Mental Note Only use Red Heads to marry into the family in Race until I get rid of the blonde.* Both Gretchen's and Cheri's genes seems to be stronger than the Landgraab blonde.

Collections – You can create and/or collect as many items as you want, but once you have found a gem, insect, metal, etc. then you must keep 1 of them in a chest either on your lot or in your family inventory.

Children and Spouses

You may marry a sim from any town that you are using during that ‘season’. Be sure at some point to marry an alien so you can get the spaceship. You will need it for handiness upgrades.

§ There are many methods to have kids. You must use EACH of these at least once during the challenge:

§ Normal pregnancy

§ Alien birth (either through male abduction or regular birth)

§ Plantsim

§ Engineer a child (Oasis Landings)

§ Genetic Merger (Door of Life and Death)

§ Wishing Well (Lucky Palms)

§ Time Machine

§ Cloning (be sure to raise it and marry it into the family line)

§ Adoption

§ Imaginary Friend (turn them real at child age and raise as your own. They must become a family tree member and produce a child.

1. Sunset Valley

§ Business Degree – Rebel Social Influence maxed (must remain through the challenge) Create 1 blog.

§ Year 1 – Daycare

§ Year 2 – Business

§ Year 3 – Bookstore (PT)

§ Primary Skills – Charisma / Social Networking

§ Free Skill – Alchemy (you may choose others if they are available to you)

§ Activities

§ Collecting (use the Collection Journal if you earn the points)

§ Hire a maid, order pizza, have at least one roommate that remains through the entire season

§ Travel (required) – You must travel to one of the countries to purchase a chest. I recommend that you purchase 10-12 of them. I currently am using 12 but may need more soon. You may travel to search for insects, metals, or gems. You may purchase items like recipes, fishing books, martial arts equipment, but you will not be able to use them at this time. No tomb raiding or working on Visa level at this time.

§ Occult – Werewolf (Must pass along the curse to at least one sim) (must reach max level)

§ Family – produce at least 1 child through one of the various methods in the game. Child must remain in the family tree for the duration of the challenge. You cannot move them out and you must keep the tree contained. Child must be born in this town.

Monday, February 26, 2018

Perfect Genie-ology Chapter 1.4-Twin girls and a Birthday

Authors Note:I have noticed that I get into a time when I pay more attention to one of my just for fun games than the other.  I also have been not updating and forgetting as I go along.  I have a schedule for which days I play the games and Perfect Genetics is played on Saturday.  Each Sunday or Monday in this case I will be updating what happened in this game.  These should be smaller updates but this blog was just meant to keep a record of my just for fun games.

Many time Perfect Genetic Challenges seem to turn into a 100 baby challenge but normally that doesn't happen when the couple already has given birth to the Perfect Genetic Heir.  However Chelsea and Neal are determined to have as many kids as they feel they want.  On the way to the hospital again.

I know insane sims often spin into the wrong clothing but Neal over here is not an insane sim yet he spins into his bathing suit to take his pregnant wife to the hospital in the middle of the night in the dead of winter.  I'm surprised he is not frost bitten.

They had twins this time both girls.  I knew sooner or later these two were going to have twins.  The first baby born was a genie named Cynthia.

And the second who we can already see has the right skin tone was named Lila. However we already know she is not a perfect genetic heir as she was born a witch.  

Neal I don't think that is not the correct way to strap the baby in the stroller.

It was winter in game and the boys along with Catalina were rolling wants to build igloos, ice skate and snowmen.  If I would have planned it out better I would have had a picture of an army of snowmen outside of the house with the igloo forts behind them.  Maybe that is something for the next time around.  

Catalina was also rolling wants and autonomously skilling Martial Arts.   I have a feeling that she is going to have a ltw that deals with Martial Arts.

I have also purchased a potion table for them and as you can see they have been rolling wants for it especially Marlon who has seemed to have an unfortunate accident with the chemicals.

Time for Neal's Birthday.  I wonder if he is going to get a mid life crisis.

No mid life crisis.  I guess he is happy but with the size of that family I'm sure that is crystal clear.  The only thing is that hair.  I have seen some men age up in female hair but usually its the pig tails.  Oh well that is easily fixed.  Happy Birthday Neal.

Ultimately Eddie-Chapter 1.1-University Years/Day Care Career

At university Eddie is getting straight to business.  This secret organization he is working for has given him detailed instructions on his tasks. He doesn't know why they need him to do these things but he was asked not to question anything. Eventually he would learn the reason for all of this.  He needs to create a blog and max out rebel influence while working on a business degree.  He has been taking social group jobs and the one he has at the current moment is to scare someone with the megaphone at the coffee shop which we will do later.

Right now Eddie is just passing out some flyers to protest against unskilled sims.
Hopefully his protest will have a good turnout.

He also takes a few minutes to be better acquainted with the young lady. 

Many showed up for the protest.  I guess those flyers that Eddie distributed really did work.


VICTORY!   The protest was a success!

The challenge does state that Eddie does need to marry and have a kid.  He has taken a fancy to this young lady so I immediately take her into CAS to give her a make over.

Her name is Cheri Chigote.  Her traits are Coward, Excitable, Frugal, Good Sense of Humor and Irresistible.  Her ltw wish is Heartbreaker which she is never going to get because her DNA has given her a spot in this challenge.  She is a very pretty sim and Eddie likes her so she is the one.  We moved her in right away.

We had a lot more protest so the skilling would be faster.  There is also a protest to make grading a lot easier and another that we will be using back in Sunset Valley which makes earning raises and promotions easier.

All this protesting made us skill social networking and alchemy faster which are the two skills we needed.  We also sold our blog too which were other requirements for the challenge.

And Eddie graduated with a degree in business.

As soon as he arrived back home he asked Cheri to marry him and she accepted.  They were married right away in the middle of a snow storm.  She must be freezing her ass off.  Here are some more wedding pictures.

They moved into a house made by romagi1  with the details of what was needed for the challenge in Sunset Valley, Riverview and Twinbrook.  Here is a link to the download and the pictures

As you can tell she did a wonderful job on the house and I thank her so much for her wonderful work.  The house has two apartment for roommates with seperate entrances and the front of the house is a daycare center for Eddie's first career.  The back not only has a playground for the kids but a splash pool too.

Those windows by the massage table look so relaxing.  I would love to own a house like this in real life.

Eddie quickly got himself a job in the daycare career and here are some of the pictures from it.

Jamie Jolina dropping off her son.

VJ Alvi's son the kid Eddie is attacking with the claw.

This career does keep him busy so Eddie and Cheri will wait until this career is finished before having children of their own.

Ok I think its time to update on the Sunset Valley requirements along with our status:

1. Sunset Valley
Business Degree – Rebel Social Influence maxed (must remain through the challenge) Create 1 blog. 

 Year 1 – Daycare-Level 2 Cool Caregiver:

 Year 2 – Business

 Year 3 – Bookstore (PT)

Primary Skills – Charisma-Mastered

Charisma Skill Challenges (Not required to finish these until the last season due to a glitch that resets the skill challenges on this skill when moving towns)

Social Networking: Mastered

Blog baron skill challenge will be finished when all university degrees are completed the others must be completed in Sunset Valley.

Free Skill 



Collection Journal-Ongoing through out challenge
Hire a maid 
Order pizza 
Have at least one roommate that remains through the entire season

Kirk Diehl

Josiah Numbers

Occult – Werewolf Maxed Still needs to pass the curse onto two sims

Lets take care of that one right now.  Oh Roommates where are you?

ok check that off the list.

Family – produce at least 1 child through one of the various methods in the game. Child must remain in the family tree for the duration of the challenge. You cannot move them out and you must keep the tree contained. Child must be born in this town.

Child will be born after Daycare career is completed.