Thursday, August 4, 2016

Chapter 6 Hunger Games-A Match Made In Hell

These Waffles has been sitting on this table since the first day of the challenge.
They must really be horrifying because people would rather die of starvation than eat them.

There is so much crying going on in this house.  Everytime someone dies they all cry and mourn them constantly.  Dahlia is crying over Ginger while Dimitri mops the floors.

This house is a complete disaster area as they even stopped doing the laundry.

Pip is still doing the repairs and cleaning the bathrooms.

George isn't being punished but he is cleaning up the dishes on his own.  I never seen so many flies at one time.

A fight broke out I wonder who will win Nick or Dimitri

It looks like Nick kicked Dimitri's ass.

Zeddicus' thought bubble is mourning Ginger but he is actually angry here.  I think he wants to get on the couch but Dahlia is sitting in his seat.

Naria is really taking advantage of her time in the luxury suite.  I know the picture is dark but she is taking a mud bath and has been using the sauna.  She was also smart enough to make herself some food so she will be in very good shape for the next competition.

It looks like George didn't clean the plates after all as they are still there along with all the flies.

They are still crying over Ginger but clearly they don't have to as Ginger is right here haunting them.

David is our chef for the day.  I started him early so I could take them all to the lot for todays competition.  We have some close to death lets see if David can serve the food fast enough for them.

Guess David wasn't fast enough for Valerie.  What a way to go Valerie right by that gross toilet.

Oh Valerie begging is not becoming and it won't work anyways Grim is taking your ass to hell where you belong.

Now that Valerie is gone there is only 15 plates of food to be served let us see who eats today and who doesn't.

Grim decided to stay.  Hmmmmm I wonder why Grim is still around?

I guess this is why both of them died at the same time. I wonder who Grim will take first.

Leif was first.

Grim actually walked up the stairs to collect Bert.  I never had two sims die at the same time before so I wasn't sure how that would work.

This is what our graveyard looks like now.  6 dead and we are down to 13 plates of food now.

Today's competition is painting whoever paints the highest value painting wins and whoever paints the lowest loses.  If they don't paint a picture they automatically lose.

It looks like we are going to have a lot of losers.  Well whoever loses gets to go in the pit with the cowplant.  The fight was Dimitri and Nick again this time Dimitri won.

Naria finished first as she was in the best mood.  If no one else finishes she may win with a $2 painting.

Dimitri and Nick really hate each other as that is the third fight they had today.

Fighting Again Dimitri!

Competition is over and here are the standings

Warner $4
Dahlia $3
Brandon $3
Pip $3
Johnny $3
Naria $2
Cocoa $2
Flora $2
David $2
Denny $2

Warner is the winner and the losers are the ones who would not paint. Whichever one of them grabs the cake from the cow plant is our loser for the day.  Which one will it be?

Gretchen is our loser for today.

Gretchen in her punishment clothes but we have a problem....

She can't repair anything.

So she will have to wear her punishment clothes in the dungeon until for the rest of the day.

It seems that Dahlia is having a hard time shooting hoops.

Today is Naria's turn to do the cooking and that kitchen looks like it needs a good cleaning too.

The food is out lets see who gets to eat or not eat today.  For some reason no one is coming to eat and they are all hungry.  Let us find out what is happening.

It's because we have a dinner guest that showed up today.  The Grim Reaper! There goes Shane.  Its funny that he went the day after Valerie.  I guess those two were really a match made in hell.

I guess that was the motivation the rest of them needed to get up and grab some food.

I'm going to end this part with a true sign of how filthy dirty this house is.  The grim reaper is doing their dishes and he refuses to eat there.

As of now we have 17 left in the house and 12 plates of food will come out every day.


  1. wow, they are dropping like flies there. I've never played where I just let the sims die, it's a very interesting concept for sure. I can't wait to see who is the last one standing. I'm really surprised both George and David are still in the game.

    1. They are dropping like flies and Gretchen almost died in this update too. She was able to get to a plate of food just in time. I'm not used to playing like this either. In fact I'm glad this is not a long challenge as its hard not to take care of their needs. It is going to be interesting to see who is last one standing. George and David are doing pretty good and George is always cleaning up everything.
