I will be adding two more sim challenges which are not stories just commentary this weekend. Right now I have 4 stories on this blog and two completed. It seems like too much on one blog so I will be moving 2 or 3 to another blog before the end of the weekend. I'm not sure if I should separate Sims 3 and Sims 4 or start the 2 new challenges on a new blog and move the Going Solo Iron woman with it as all three of those will be Going Solo related. The latter seems like the easier choice. Depending on what I do this weekend here I may or may not move The Drifter Challenge to its blog that will be decided later.
For Now I will just let you know what the new stories are:
One will be an Ultimate Sim Challenge which was created by Llandros (Youtube Channel Link) and will be featuring Eddie Landgraab the son of my third generation heir Wolfie Landgraab. The title of this story still needs to be finalized but for now I leaning towards "Ultimate Eddie"
The other will be another version of the Going Solo Challenge (Sims 3 forum link) created by Vuneca. The title of this one will by "Going Solo by the book" which will serve as a basic reminder to me that I must go strictly by the rules in this one. In the Going Solo community we have been known to bend a few rules for story sake. When telling a story sometimes the rules do need to be broken but in this challenge which will only be commentary and no story at all I will be following all rules. The purpose of this second Going Solo challenge is to actually complete it as I really do want to complete this challenge. Story telling the original one is very important to me but I'm so slow at it that completing the entire challenge seems unlikely although I will complete as many generations as possible. Completing challenges are also very important to me so I have taken on this second one which will only be commentary. My founder has not been decided on as of yet and this is a very hard choice. I like to go with sims that I like but no one is standing out to be the perfect choice. I might just be creating a new sim for this challenge. A final decision will be made shortly.
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